
Equine Mortality

A Mortality policy provides coverage on your horse if you lose them due to an accident, illness, injury, disease, or veterinary recommended euthanasia. This policy will also protect your horse from theft. This base policy is required for any added endorsements (such as Major Medical and Surgical), and the horse must be in good health at inception of coverage. When it comes to proving good health, submitting a satisfactory veterinary certificate is acceptable. Your horse will also be covered anywhere in the continental U.S. and Canada.

There are three basic policy formats for mortality coverage. A straight mortality policy (no deductible applicable), a coinsurance policy, and a deductible policy. The main difference between the three formats is the straight mortality policy will not have a deductible in the event of a loss. The coinsurance policy and deductible policy will both have a deductible in the event of a loss. Regardless of the mortality policy format, you can cover an individual horse or schedules of your horses.

How Much Does It Cost?

Equine mortality policies are rated based on age, use, value, and gender of the horse.